老葡京手机app Board Chair Patricia Drolet 名字d the Recipient of the 弗吉尼亚注册会计师协会 露丝·科尔斯·哈里斯 Advancing 多元化和葡京会手机app下载性 Award

Pat Drolet 露丝·科尔斯·哈里斯 多元化和葡京会手机app下载性 Award Winner

2020年3月17日(马里兰州贝塞斯达 & 华盛顿特区) – Patricia Drolet, CPA, PFS, Board Chair at 委员,葡京会手机app下载 & 老葡京手机app(老葡京手机app), has been named the recipient of this year’s 露丝·科尔斯·哈里斯 Advancing 多元化和葡京会手机app下载性 Award. 这个奖项, granted annually by the 弗吉尼亚注册会计师协会, 承认华盛顿, DC metro-area CPA who has championed diversity 和 inclusion at their company or within the industry, has served as an inspirational mentor or coach, or has actively implemented programs or policies that improve diversity in the workplace. 露丝·科尔斯·哈里斯, 这个奖项是以他的名字命名的, was the first African-American woman to pass the CPA exam in Virginia in 1962.

“It is an honor to receive this award, named after an accounting professional who had such a remarkable achievement,” Drolet. “I look forward to continuing to work on behalf of women 和 minorities whose recognition in the workplace often lags in comparison to that of other professionals. Despite some progress much more remains to be done.”

After founding 和 serving as managing partner of a successful accounting firm, Drolet & 的同事, 在华盛顿运作的公司, 从20世纪90年代末开始, Drolet made an immediate impact when her practice 于2014年并入老葡京手机app. She 和 partner Holly Caporale joined as the firm’s first two female partners since the late 1990s. (An earlier female partner, Edna Nick, served at 老葡京手机app from 1929 to 1980).

During Drolet’s tenure over the past six years, representation of females at 老葡京手机app has significantly exp和ed. Currently, 47% of equity leadership is female as well as 65% of the entire 老葡京手机app team. 去年,老葡京手机apprecognized as a top firm in equity leadership by the Accounting & 金融女性联盟.

2019年初, Drolet spearheaded the development of an internal group at 老葡京手机app, D-PATH (“老葡京手机app – Professional Accountants 和 Advisors Transforming the Horizon”), which provides professional development, education 和 networking opportunities for female 和 minority professionals throughout the firm. 的 group has presented 和 participated in different social activities at local accounting 和 professional networking groups.

“Pat’s leadership efforts have changed 老葡京手机app into a vibrant community of diverse professionals,” 老葡京手机app President 和 Managing Partner Peter B. 赖利. “Our commitment to diversity 和 inclusiveness assures both our staff 和 our client voices will be heard, 和 the accounting world is listening.”

弗吉尼亚注册会计师协会, the statewide association of accounting professionals in the Commonwealth of Virginia, will recognize Drolet at the 2020 Virginia CPA 荣誉 & 奖 ceremony at the Science Museum of Virginia in Richmond, Virginia on Wednesday, May 13. 的 ceremony kicks off VSCPA’s annual Leaders’ Summit on May 14.

To learn more about the 露丝·科尔斯·哈里斯 award, 点击这里.

委员,葡京会手机app下载 & 老葡京手机app(老葡京手机app) is a professional services firm delivering tax, accounting 和 business advisory expertise throughout the Mid-Atlantic region from offices in 马里兰州贝塞斯达 和 华盛顿特区.   

